Each Box contains Two Base, One Rookie, One Parallel, and One Red Flood Parallel #'d/26!
Obsidian Football combines sleek black opti-chrome technology with Electric Etched parallels to provide collectors a stunning look unlike any other product!
Chase a 100-card base set and a 100-card Rookie set of all the best talent and rising stars the NFL has to offer.
BASE: Look for a 100-card base set that includes all the best current and retired legends in the NFL! Look for 1 Red Flood parallel #'d /26 in every T-Mall Box!
Electric Etch Purple #'d /100
Electric Etch Orange #'d /75
Electric Etch Green #'d /50
Electric Etch Yellow #'d /25
Electric Etch Red #'d /10
Electric Etch Blue Finite #'d /1
Electric Etch Red Flood #'d /26
ROOKIES: Hunt for all the top rookies with a 100-card checklist! Chase either a Base or Rookie Red Flood parallel in every T-Mall Box!
Electric Etch Purple #'d /100
Electric Etch Orange #'d /75
Electric Etch Green #'d /50
Electric Etch Yellow #'d /25
Electric Etch Red #'d /10
Electric Etch Blue Finite #'d /1
Electric Etch Red Flood #'d /26
ROOKIE JERSEY AUTOGRAPHS:L Find oversized memorabilia autographs with Rookie Jersey Autographs, hunt for amazing low numbered prime versions of all the best rookies!
Electric Etch Orange max #'d /99
Electric Etch Green max #'d /50
Electric Etch Yellow max #'d /25
Electric Etch Red max #'d /10
Electric Etch Blue Finite #'d /1
ROOKIE JERSEY INK: Hunt for even more rookie autographed memorabilia cards with Rookie Jersey Ink, which parallels to prime and super prime versions!
Electric Etch Orange max #'d /99
Electric Etch Green max #'d /50
Electric Etch Yellow max #'d /25
Electric Etch Red max #'d /10
Electric Etch Blue Finite #'d /1
Electric Etch Contra
1 Pack Per Box, 5 Cards Per Pack